At Schröder, extras are standard
Speed and diligence are our strength. We invest in highly specialised additional training and in the associated modern technology. Special pump testing benches allow us to repair your diesel pumps. Our specially designed radiator repair shop and our new paint shop keep your machinery in top condition. Our motto is: there's no such thing as it can't be done!
Our specialists even bring diesel pumps, radiators and paint back to top form!

Review and maintenance according to manufacturer's specifications

Post-harvest check
After the harvest is before the harvest: review and maintenance of large machinery

Radiator repair
Repair instead of replacement

Repair of injection pumps
Our specialists work "under high pressure"

TÜV tests
TÜV Nord and DEKRA inspect and approve all relevant tests directly in our workshop

Paint shop
We recondition or repaint vehicles and equipment in our modern paint shop
Always underway and fully equipped
Our employees are working for you, particularly during the harvest, at any time of day or night. Each of our 95 fully equipped customer service vehicles comes with man, tools and appropriate spare parts.
Honesty and transparency are our priorities
Free advice from a mechanic and a compliant handling of warranty and problem cases is simply a part of good service. Nonetheless, we must follow the advances in technology and constantly invest in new equipment and training for our employees. The LandBauTechnik-Bundesverband e.V. gives us an insight into the cost structure of a specialist workshop.